As Mothers ...
Personal sharing of experiences … What does it mean to me as a mother, when I consent to my child attending Afternoon classes, and upon return from school, the class was cancelled for a reason unknown to us. Where have you been? What did you do instead? These are questions that arise. How does it affect me as a mother, when I only have $2.00 to spare until next pay, and my child insists on giving fifty cents for his mufti levy, which is never accounted for, nor do we know where the cents are going to. When do I draw the line at CAPS meeting, when there is clearly a live electrical wire just beneath the blackboard, with a notice of DO NOT TOUCH pasted nearby. How do I react to the nurse who has just given me a lecture saying “we close at 4 pm”, when my baby needs urgent immediate help? Such is the daily fight that challenges mothers, and as resilient as we are, the refocusing of priorities to what is my Immediate need and foregoing an import...
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