Transparency International New Zealand Engagement with CLCT Integrity Fiji through NZMFAT Funding

The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (NZMFAT) is providing funding to CLCT (Civic Leaders for Clean Transactions) – Integrity Fiji to develop civil society engagement in the areas of Integrity, Transparency, Accountability and the general anti-corruption space. The funding is being made available through Transparency International New Zealand. As part of the partnership, 3 TINZ consultants (Debbie Gee, Suzanne Snively and Claire Johnston) will help set up a strong organizational governance framework. In addition, they will help develop policies on Communication, Finance, and a 3-year Strategic Plan. CLCT-IF is currently housed at 8 Desvouex Road. Sakeo Moce, the Board Secretary-Treasurer explains that apart from setting up an office during the Interim Period of July-Dec 2019, CLCT-IF is working with partners to develop proactive governance programs. One such constructive discussion is taking place with the Fiji National Sports Commission. It is expected that...